Join my comprehensive quilt pattern writing course to take your ideas from design to launch.

This course will cover the low cost and free software tools that I use in my own business, with no need to shell out $500 a year for Adobe products. We will cover everything you need to know to turn your design ideas into profitable quilt patterns! Join the waitlist today to be kept up to date with pricing and timing information for the summer 2021 course.

Let me teach you in 6 weeks what it took me years to learn: How to produce high quality, successful patterns that thousands of quilters want to buy!

Registration Options

Choose the best option that fits your budget and your goals for this course!

  • Standard Student

    As a standard student, you will get access to all course material, a community group where you can interact with other students and ask questions, and weekly live Q&A sessions.

  • VIP Student - SOLD OUT

    As a VIP student, you will access to everything a standard student receives, PLUS you will receive a personal high level review of your first pattern and a personal business coaching session during or after the course (note that this does not include a math check).

After This Course, You Will Have:

  • Jump started your journey towards owning a profitable pattern writing business

  • Sidestepped years of trial and error and wasted effort to learn a tried and true approach to pattern writing

  • The skills to take designs from an idea in your head to diagrams and instructions on paper, all the way through a pattern launch.

  • A low cost software toolkit that can streamline your design process and produce clear, professional diagrams and patterns

  • The math skills to easily calculate yardage requirements and block sizes

  • A completed very first pattern, and a plan to launch!

  • Lifetime access to course materials

Course Schedule

This course will run for 6 weeks in starting June 28th, 2021. Registration is closed; Join the waitlist for 2022!


  • Is this a live course, or can I take it on my own time?

    This course spans 6 weeks, with a new module released every week. While it will be easier to participate in the course community and ask questions if you keep up with the modules, they can be completed on your own time whenever it's convenient for you and you will continue to have access to all materials after the course. There is only one live component of this course, which is a weekly Q&A session. Questions can be submitted before the Q&A, and they are always recorded so you can still ask questions and get answers even if you aren't able to attend live.

  • Will you cover Adobe or EQ8 software?

    This course does not cover Adobe products or EQ8 for two reasons: 1) While I have these tools and have used them in the past, I don't use them in my own pattern writing workflow and 2) I don't believe you need to spend $500+ on software tools just to get started. Instead, we will cover lower cost or free comparable software tools that I use to write my own patterns.

  • What kind of computer or laptop do I need for this course?

    You can take this course with a Mac or a PC (or even a Linux or Chrome based operating system). I've made sure that there are software tools discussed in this course that can accommodate almost any operating system! The one thing I don't suggest is taking this course only with an iPad. While you could technically use many of the tools with an iPad, you will have much more success using a laptop or desktop computer.

Extra Goodies

In addition to all course content, this class will offer you:

  • Peer Review Groups

    Form lasting relationships with other students who will review and help edit yourpatterns. My pattern editor is now one of the biggest assets in my business!

  • Modern Makes Guest Designer

    At the end of the course, one student will be selected based on their design work to be one of the Featured Guest Designers for the Modern Makes Membership in 2021.

  • Weekly Q&A Sessions

    Submit your questions during the week, and have them answered in a weekly live Q&A session hosted by me. All sessions will be recorded and posted to the website after the fact for anyone who can't join live.

Course curriculum

Check back every week for the next module!

  • 1


    • Welcome to the Pattern Writing Academy!

    • Course Schedule and Important Details

    • Creating a Career: Expectations

    • Pattern Writing Roadmap

    • Social Media

    • Design Styles

    • Design Inspiration

    • Basic Blocks

    • Assignment 1: Converting an image to quilt blocks

    • Assignment 1: Solution

    • Color Theory

    • Quilt Sizing

    • Pattern Design Tools

    • Designing with Pattern Jam

    • Designing with PreQuilt

    • Assignment 2: Quilt Design and Social Media

  • 2


    • Software Tool Introduction

    • Vector Graphic Tools

    • Drawing Block Diagrams with Gravit

    • Drawing Full Quilt Diagrams with Gravit

    • Quilt Mockups with Fabric in Gravit

    • Cropping with Gravit

    • Curves with Gravit

    • Angles with Gravit

    • Simple Coloring Pages with Gravit

    • Better Coloring Pages

    • Drawing Diagrams with Graphic

    • Curves with Graphic

    • Angles with Graphic

    • Quilt Mockups with Fabric in Graphic

    • Cropping with Graphic

    • Image Resolution and Exporting Diagrams

    • Symbols

    • Full Diagram Example

    • Block Diagram Demo

    • Design and Block Diagram Demo

    • Assignment 3: Practice Diagrams

    • Assignment 4: Quilt Design Diagrams

    • Assignment 5: Quilt Block Diagrams

  • 3


    • Introduction to Quilt Math

    • Block Calculations

    • Right Angle Triangle Calculations

    • On Point Quilts

    • Seam Allowance

    • Math Example: Log Cabin Blocks

    • Fabric Requirements

    • Math Example: Santorini Walkthrough

    • Cutting Diagrams

    • Assignment 7: Block Size Calculations

    • Assignment 8: Yardage Calculations

  • 4


    • Pattern Writing Process

    • Pattern Components

    • Curves & Templates

    • Curved Templates with Gravit

    • Curved Templates with Graphic

    • On Point Patterns

    • Pattern Walkthrough

    • Affinity for Pattern Writing

    • Pages for Pattern Writing

    • LucidPress for Pattern Writing

    • Pattern Writing Best Practices

    • Pattern Errata

    • Assignment 7: First Pattern Draft

    • Technical Editing

  • 5


    • Business Basics

    • Cultural Appropriation in Quilting

    • Technical Editing

    • Pattern Launching: The Process

    • Pattern Testing

    • Pattern Launching: Promotion

    • Pattern Launching: A Note About Expectations

    • Print vs PDF Patterns

    • Quilt Copyright

    • Assignment 8: Pattern Tester Form

    • Assignment 9: Pattern Feedback Review

    • Next Steps

    • Pattern Designer Collective & Business Basics Course

    • Bonus: Hosting a Quilt a Long

  • 6

    Q&A Sessions

    • Course Kickoff

    • Module 1 Q&A

    • Module 2 Q&A

    • Module 3 Q&A

  • 7

    Bonus: Quilt Photography

    • Quilt Photography